Sonntag, April 08, 2012

líttero W del glossaro de Linguna



wabi ....                   wabern / to waver, to flicker, to blaze

    ....                        {n.b.:  qerío = Wabe / honeycomb}

wagón, wagono ....  Wag(g)on, großer Wagen / waggon
    wagonejro ....      Stellmacher, Wagner (Wagenbauer) / cartwright, wheelwright, coach-builder

wah, waho  ....        Wassermann, Wassergeist, Regengott, männl. Fee / water sprite, god of the water, rain god, (male) fay   [Azteqesae; cp. baal  (Feuniciana)]

wail,-o ....                (tempetto, tempospazzo nongranda) {kleine} Weile, Weilchen / a little while, a spell, (waiting) a bit

walini ....                 zueinander halten, durch Dick und Dünn mitgehen, zu jem.\zu etw. stehen, jem. zur Seite stehen, beistehen, jem. die Stange halten, jem. an die Hand gehen, Unterstützung angedeihen lassen, jem. den Daumen halten\drücken, jem. heraushauen, jem. aus einer Notlage herausreißen\herauspauken  [Australesae] /
    ....                        / to stay up to one another, to stay with one another, to hold with s.o., to side with s.o., to be as thick as thieves, to go thru thick and thin with s.o., to support each other, to help each other in any way,  to take a person’s part, to stand for solidarity with,  to lend s.o. a helping hand, to aid, to aid each other, to back s.o., to abet each other, to help the indigents, to grant subsidy for common enterprise, to wish s.o. good luck and success, to root for s.o., to keep one’s fingers crossed for s.o., to extricate s.o. from \ to disentangle a person out of

wállab,-o ....            Wállabi, Felsenkänguruh / wallaby
walm,-o ....              Walm (Walmdach) / slope (roof), hip, hip-roof
                                (antane:  ‘groptegmento’)
waoczi  [’wò:t$i] ...                            Wache halten, Wache stehen, Wachdienst versehen / to watch, to keep guard, to stand sentry
wapito ....                (:  cervego\élafo wapito)  Wapiti / wapiti
watt  ....                  Watt: Einheit der elektr. Leistung / watt
    qilowatt ....         kW (Kilowatt) / kilowatt

web, webo  ....        (texagjo de bittoi al informagjo praesento) Web / web
    websituo ....        Webtafel, Webseite, Informationsplatz / web site
    webi ....               einen Internetzaushang oder Internetz-Infoblock erstellen und gestalten/illustrieren / to draw up and work out a website

wej-  ....                  [prarádico Indo-Europésea]  aus dem Weg, hinweg- / off, away from, out of the way -  (as prefix in compounds)
    wejiri  ....            wegziehen, abhauen, sich verziehen / to go away

wejco ....                 Bugwelle bzw. Kielwasser (ei.Schiffs), Schiffsspur im Wasser; direktes Gefolge hinter einer durchziehenden hehren Persönlichkeit / trace left behind in water, of a boat:  wake, bow-wash, bow-wave; retinue, band of followers

wéllness,-o  ....       (corpa bonevaljado cai hajjivizza naturconfórmea): Wohlsein / wellness
    wellnessejo  ....  (farmejo de bellezza-hajjivo, sanigejo tia) Schönheitsfarm mit Wohlseinspflege, Wohlsein-Zentrum / wellness center

wídjeto  ....             Dingsbums, Dings-da / widget

wing,-o ....              Flügel / wing
    wingi ....              mit den Flügeln schlagen und abheben / to beat\flap one’s wings

wiodo  ....                (trudherbo, herbaczo):  Unkraut / weed, weeds

wítness, -o  ....        (ócul-vidinto de occasagjo, vidinto attestofácia, attestanto pro vido proprais óculois) Augenzeuge / eye-witness
wítyo ....                  Felge / rim (of wheel)

woid(i)- ....             (Determinante I-E: )  singen, lauter Gesang, Chorgesang, Sängerchor, Kanon, (singendes) Echo, tönen, Widerhall, Gesangsverein, Canto, Hymne, Ode, Akustik, Resonanz, (er)klingen, läuten /
                                to sing, singing aloud, song, chant, chantey, chorus, choral service, choir, singing echo, to resound, reverberation, glee club, choral society, canto, hymn, ode, acoustics, resonance, to sound, to ring
     ....                       [Indo-Europ. root also \I-E Urwurzel auch:  .... wejd-\weud- {tönen, singen / to sound, sing}, .... und/and:  .... awedi- \ud- {rufen, reden, singen / to call \to shout, to cry out, to talk, to sing}; .... Sanskrit:  vâdas {Ruf, Klang /shout, sound }; .... cp. Gr.:  a’éjdejn {singen, erklingen, zwitschern, besingen, preisen / to sing, to (re)sound, to twitter, to sing of, to praise}, .... audée {Stimme, melodische Sprache, Rede, Ruf, Ton, Klang / voice, melodious tone \language, speach, shouting, tone, sound, resonance}, a’eedóon, a’eedónos {Nachtigall/nightingale}; Lat.:  audire {(den Klang) hören / to hear the sound}]

wonn,-a (f)  ....       Wonne / bliss, delight
wóntuna ....             (sen memcontrol, {sexe} senbrida, senregulema):  unstet, ohne Selbstbeherrschung, regellos, wild, zügellos, liederlich, leichtfertig, mutwillig, ausschweifend / wanton       
wórqshopo  ....        [ hû’orkòopò ]
                                Werkshalle, große Werkstatt, Werkstätte / workshop

    ....                        {auch:   fabricório (Taktstraße/assembly line),
                                fábrica (Fabrik/factory)}                

    ....                        {Werkstatt / workshop, shop  =  atelié, atelieo}

    ....                        {Jedoch:  kleine Werkstatt/small workshop = ergastirio, artisanejo}

    wórqshopejro ... Werkstattarbeiter

                                {n.b.:  Handwerker = artisán, artisano}

wrenczi ....              mit großer Kraft\Gewalt (ver)drehen oder winden, aufschrauben/ to wrench
wulda  (f) ....           ( komplexer) Wald / woods, forest
    wuldai  ....           Waldgebiet / woods
                                {antane: ‘arbejo’, ‘arbaroj’)
    wuldastarvo        Waldsterben / woods killing