Linguna-Sprachreichtum / Affixe:
Affixes in Linguna
Copyright by / Copía dereczo cze: Hans Dieter W. Goeres, M'gladbach
LINGUNA tends to unite all peoples of the Earth by means of one easy but highly cultural and neutral language of Romance and Ancient Greek characteristics, demanding constant exchange of political and scientific views and above all a new sense of community and universal terrestrian solidarity.
In use like word forming radicals are the affixes, similar to many other languages, some of which are already known through our predecessor Esperanto.
(A) Prefixes: (Not needing a hyphen)
ab- off, away from, getting out
á-/áb- miss-, incorrectly, in error, wrongly, far from
e.g.: ábuso; ábago (crimenago), áplaesi
amáss- en masse, mass, common, in masses
anqí- very close to, as near as that you can touch it, tangibly near
anti- anti-, versus, contrary to, counter-
archi- ['arxi] arch-/archi-, highest chief, supreme
argyro- silver -, silverlike, silvery
ari- very, strongly, utmost
atro- dark shade of (color)
aván- (avan-) foremost
bargu- . must not be done, don’t dare, do not allow & is not allowed, never be done (under no circumstances)! [Sumerian: bara-]
be- intimately at/with, depending from/with, clung to, leaning to, tenaciously attached to, bent to, very closely connected with, siding with
bepicugnesdo [gnesdo pendanta/trovidsanta resp. teuj-flanca las picues]
bemonta qindugo
qindugo vivanta en pueblo de la montodeclivo au gnesdanta cze la montes roccmuro
beurba dependa, resp. alligita al/de la urba
bi- bi-, twice
cess- prefix denoting an interrupting or ceasing act, or such aspect or else the stop respectively, an incomplete, interrupted action, desisting, leaving-off, ending, or letting lie, resigning respectively, not making further use of
E.g.: cessagro /cessagruja (f) = fallow land, field lying fallow, fallow grounds
cessclopodi (esti carencsanta en, mancái pri) = to be wanting in, to come short in, to spare (the) pains of ..-ing
cessnigra = brightened, lightened, lit up, getting brighter
chrys(o)- prefix denoting the golden aspect [Hell.]
chrysofasán golden pheasant
dé- away
des- (dess-) (des-), (in-), removing/clearing of, taking away; pull off, strip
di- double-
dis(s)- dis-, asunder, apart; separate(-d); disturbing; breaking down
dys- [dy:z] far from, amiss, hampered
ef- prefix [originating from Hell.: "epi-/efh-"] for "laissez-faire", letting be, passively, indulgingly leaving it that way, let happen, let occur, let grow, suffering it, desisting from. E.g.: efpassi (let pass); efputridsi (leave rotting, let decay)
eu- [ø] fine, well-, agreeable, pleasant, eu-
exuserva ex-.., former, one-time(adj.), off duty
exuigi to discharge, to dismiss, to get rid of, to turn out
exuidsi to leave office, to resign, to retire (willing- or unwillingly)
feu- fie! for shame!, morally bad, worthy of indignation
ga- prefix originating form the Gothic: finding s.o./, meeting s.o., getting, to comment/judge/find, and find oneself together with
E.g.: gavulni obteni vulnon;
gamissili renconti missilon, missilom vulnidsi;
gajuveli trovi juvelon;
ga-signi prijudji signon trovitan
gam- ..-in-law (ne: bo-)
hali- prefix [Hell.] for: sea, of the sea, sea salt
haliaheto white-tailed eagle
haliqhoiro grey seal, seal baby
hypér- abnormally much, overdoing
hypo- ['hy:pò] too slow, too little, less than normal, underfed
iso- . (prefix) equal - in the meaning of same position, equal rank or validity or level, as high or strong (etc.) as; levelling, equalizing
ísoa . uniform, equal in level, rank, or position, equally distributed, adapted
[Hell.: isos/eisos
{sed notu bone: idema = (the) same} [Lat.: idem, eadem, idem]
mal- denoting the direct contrary (not applicable with words of the basic thesaurus; there are proper roots available)
mini- miniature, on a (very) small scale
neo- new, neo-
non- non-, (in-), (un-), expressing but the negative of, not the opposite
nush- [nùS] should be done, but being unrealizable
(praefix: desirate ejsus faciende; qvippe faciuntebr sed stantum irreale resp. non-complereble) [Sumeresae]
o- [prarádico] prefix denoting the figurative or a pictorial paraphrasing, subject to definition or context.
E.g.: oglamydonegjo (chlamydomonas nivalis, an alga); omultopatycha (complicated; ceremonious, fussy);
ocana (not resisting, weak); odajái (bring to light; exhibit, display);
omerzedi (show favor in decorating, handing over, fitting out, vesting);
otondra (huge, colossal, enormous, terrific);
otrancza (very flat and thin);
olaganso (bight, small shallow bay);
opelnofferti (prejudice someone in favor of, charme s. o., win s. o. over);
oloba (shaky; slovenly, ragged, flabby);
onelethumino (forgetmenot)
ob- encounter, running across, confront, bout
omb- re- (changing), trans-, ex-:
"ombscribi" to rewrite, "ombcufi" to turn upside down, to tilt over
ómni- comprising all kinds of, for /to all, above all
para(u)- mis-, sideways, incorrectly
per- completely, from beginning to end, peremptory, (per-)
plagi- {’plagi] prefix denoting: transverse, cross(-), denoting transversal position, broad, athwart, at right angles to (G.: quer-} [Hell.]
poly- indicating about several, many, manyfold; too many
E.g.:"polyathlona"; "polyrego", "polylinguezza" (f)
pra- (pre-), original, primitive, primeval, ancestor, primary, primordial
pross- going or running ahead, to the front, forward, onward, getting on
pseudo- [-ø-] pseudo-, false(ly), professed(ly), seemingly but not really, sham
puán- whole of, Pan- [Hell.: pant-]
Puanáfrica, Puanamérica, Puáneuropa, Puánfoiníqia (the latter means the union of all remainders of the so-called „Indio“ tribes in all América)
{But n.b.: pan,-o = bread}
re- (re-), return, back
{except for radicals from protolanguages with other meanings, see the LINGUNA dictionaries}
ri- (re-), again, anew {except for radicals from protolanguages with other meanings,
see the LINGUNA dictionaries}
retro- backward(s), retro-
rody- denotes both sexes together
(exp.: rodydormi = cune dormi cun partnero álisexa)
semi- half-, semi-
sen- without, lacking; -less; free from
{but see also suffix „-nelca“ / „-nelqi“ = (estante sen ..., agante sen ..., líbere de) being or acting without, lacking, -less}
sin- self- (reflexive)
to- [tò] he- or she- (stressing either possibility, also often with animals)
Furthermore, in Linguna, all prepositions as well as, in special,
the determinants (see there!) can be used to form compounds.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(B) Suffixes (totally without hyphen)
-à This is but an ending, with grave accent sign, applied only in cases of doubt, stressing an adjective character of the word when being derived from a feminine gender one. Preferably, however, we use a proper suffix here, e.g. -ala,
-aea, -ella, -iala, -iella, -erna, -esta, -ana, -aena, -oda, -oma, -´-ila, -´-ica, -´-ea or any other suitable one.
-á- denotes presenting, show, appealing, demonstrative character.
(Verbal forms contracted in present tense): odajái
odajám, odajás, odajáms, odajáz;
odajaanta, odajaata [-a:nta/- a:ta]
{n.b.: aa, oo, uh, eh, ij are but long vowels}
-ab- ustensil or device of common use
-abl- active ability, ready to, able
-ace- plant family name; forms also superior conceptions sometimes
-acío- (-ício-, -cío)
pseudosuffix [Lat.origin]
(Only "-ício" is proparoxytone)
-acz- exterior deterrioration; insult
-ad- repetition; lasting/continuous
-ador-a (f) apparatus, machine-like contrivance
(feminine in Linguna)
-ae-a forming an adjective of a feminine name and such noun particularly when, seldom enough, there are both possibilities of gender by the same grammatical root as e.g. with: <.secretário (m), secretária (f); ángjelo (m), ángjela (f); bebéo (m), bebéa (f); magistro (m), magistra (f); generalo (m), generala (f); apprentizo (m), apprentiza (f), doctoro (m), doctora (f).> -
Then 'magistraea' would mean: "belonging to, concerning, or particular to a\the female
Master or female schoolmaster", respectively.
{ N.b.: „of the (he-)doctor“ means: doctórea, or: (les) doctores, or: doctorana;
„of the (she-)doctor“ means: doctoraea, or: (las) doctoraes }
Please note: Almost all females in Linguna, contrary to Esperanto, have their proper word root, a small remainder of them are distinguished by special feminine suffixes ( -ina, -inx)
-aen- suffix similar to „-an-“, „-anagj-“, where the relation of „-anitato / anezza“ (f) is rather nebulous, vague. Also used to express the result of an artworks of craftsmen, e.g. lignagjaeno; etc.-
E.g. cissalpaena, metropolitaena, edc. (edí céterai)
-agj- [a:dj-] matter, thing, cause, business; substance; meal
{But note: former "ag°o" -» aeto [Lat.: aetas; Hisp.: edad]}
-air- (applied instead of): -(en)capta, -(al)licza, -altira, -elbuda [from Greek: hairéjn]: capturing, catching, drawing
enticing, snatching, (a)rousing
the interest, fascinating and exciting
-al- stressing only the characterizing feature or attributive character of a root as noun:
e.g.: "acidala" stante dispara de: "ácida"
-(a)ment- arising of a collective body of items
-an- member, inhabitant, citizen; adherence, solidarity, having bonds to
-anj- expressing, in the verb itself, any reciprocal action of one another, among oneselves
[stemming from the Zulu language: -'-an-]
{But please note also the alternative use of: "allelau", "allelim", "alleloth", "migallelau", etc., instead of the above suffix}
-ant-, -int-,
-ont-, -unt- participles of continuance in the active according to tenses and mood
/inture/-unte All are gerunds
-anth-a (f) [ant-h -a:] flower name
-anz-a (f) [anszh-] (from: "-antezza (f)")
-ar- collective noun (:montaro, frataro, infantaro, libraro, shelfaro, dilaro, muraro)
{But: a group of, a band/troup of, a lot of, a crowd/rally, an assembly, a gathering - as proper words - are to be translated by the following:
szaor,-o [så:r]; staecco, hómil,-o,
- and should no longer be expressed by the suffix "aro" as a proper word, because of its own other meaning as much as "many are", besides „szon“ for "they are".: Aro multai ce tie <.so many are here.>}
-arcs- / -arc- [-rts-] (with verbs only): intense action/process, amplification
-ard- ardent representitive of a cause; wildly acting
-ári-o /-ári-a (m/f) (a proparoxytone suffix)
bearer of / having a function or commission, male/female
-aso (m./n.) contracted from "-atezza" (f) (essence of being done right now)
-at-, -it-, -ot-,
-ut- All these are participles in the passive voice according to tenses and mood
-ata/-ita, -osa,
con-/suicon- showing, having,
((antane /in Old-Esperanto: "-hava"))
-ativ- capable of being done/executed/carried out/undertaken and affected/afflicted/suffered
-átu-o (proparoxytone suff.) institution, status, protecting body, acting office
-(i)bundo somebody bound, compelled or noted to do so or to make this, abundant in (over)doing
-czjo or:-ijjo forming short name of (with males)
-é- denotes kind of being, increasing the intensity of a verb, to be found in a state like, being pending, hovering etc.
-'-ea (proparoxytone suffix) instead of mere "-a" (for adjective),
e.g.: When an adjective near a noun of feminine gender must be clearly distinguished as the adjective there, or generally when deriving an adjective from a normal noun, one may, if need is, apply "-'-ea"
<.demanding an accent on the antepenultima.>
And: -'-ea will be used only in the case of uncertain use of mere short „-a“ (which is the normal adjective ending), in order to prevent any confusion. There are a number of other suffixes also applicable to derive an adjective from a feminine word, as e.g.: -‘-ea,
-(on)ala, -erna, -iala, -(on)ella, -iella, -oda, -esta, -oma, -esca, -écea, -aea, -(a)menta, -ana, -estra, -aena, -osa, -ulda, -(ón)ila /
-´-ila, -´-ica, -árià, -ada, -opsa, -anta, -ema, -uma (See the definitions in this list).
{Besides, in speaking and writing, a feminine noun, can be followed by an adjective; so the adjective in general stands behind the noun.
(In the case of mere underlining the character of a noun, an adjective can get its place before the noun, as is customary also in Spanish language.)
please note: Instead of attributive use of the adjectival "-a", sometimes, one had better applied the genitive by "-es" (or „-aes“ respectively), and "-ois" (or „-ais“ respectively) of the attributing noun, e.g. "patres gerdzo" parallel to "gerdzo patra"; "gerdzois urba" parallel to "urba gerdz(ar)a"
-ead- squash/drink of fruit, juice, (without alcohol)
-ebl- possible to be done, can be made
-ed- animal family name; all sorts of
-eg- denotes enlargement, increase (with nouns and adjectives); huge, immense
-ej- place of action, occurrence, situation, dwelling
-ejca ['ejka:] (female:) practising a profession, specialist
-ejr- maker, not always necessarily professional, but well doing
-ell- (opposite of "feu-“, „-acz-") very good, noble, fine, pleasant, agreeable
-em- denotes inclination, proneness, liking, preference
-enc-/-enq- [-k] tremendously deep / profound / abrupt, abyss, definitive obstacle
-enc- /-enz-
[ents/enszh] (developped from): -ent-ezz [en’tets]
(meaning): quality of an abstract entity
-end- (gerundivum) denotes necessity, something (over)due to be done
-eng- pseudosuffix for words of English origin ending in "-ing" (exp.: míteng,-o; clareng,-o)
-énni-o denoting a long period, quite a lot of years: e.g. millénio, qvindeqénnio, centénnio, deqénnio
-ens- [enz] active chemical or technical matter/substance performing a transitive action suggestable by the root
e.g.: agenso, solvenso, revelacenso, colorenso, frigorenso, blanqenso, purenso, callaqenso, veldenso, moderenso.
{Callaqi <.pralexo.> = déigi, abigi/fuerigi, elimini, liqvidumi /to do away with, to remove, to abolish, to liquidate, to eliminate}
-ent- denotes the superior or abstract or else metaphorical meaning, subject to definition or context.
E.g.: "pezenti" (feel happy being in one's element, like fish in water), {la pez = fish};
"noczento" (black mark, misdeed);
praesidento, ardenta, apperento
-'-er-(a) (suffix with proparoxytone accent) denotes the matter/material of something, made of ---; of
which something is thoroughly wrought or affected [Hell.: -(e)rós].
E.g.: lígnera, córnera, ládera
-erc-/-erq- [erk] denotes small component of, particle of, (constituent) part
E.g.: panerco, szablerco, edc.) (ne: "-ero")
-erí-o (former: -arejo) denoting place of orderly kept items/things of a common denominator
E.g.: librerío /library; poqerío /board for glasses; cuperío /cupboard; scaenerío; lexerío /science of words, philology, thesaurus; artillerío
-ern- (expresses:) belonging to, accessory, pertaining to, appendage
-es- [ez] denotes language of a people or a tribe
-esc-/-esq- [-k] similar to, almost like s.o., in the manner of
-eshl(-a) (f) (if female:) conductor, director, head, manageress, leader
-esío {-esía (adj.)}
(like: -ecidso/a, -idsío/a, -idsagjo /-a, -idsezzagjo/-a) [Hell.: -esis/-osis],
a proparoxytone suffix denoting an arising attitude or the forthcoming of a characteristical feature or else the fact or seizability of some development/growth
E.g.: montesío, stormesío /formation of a storm; maladesío/development of a disease; spectesío; disrompesío/disruption; alvoqesío/vocation,call; dispartesío/long good-bye,slowly driving asunder, diverging; formesío/formation
-est- being that way, being there, being in ~, being on there, being itself
E.g.: abritesti, confusesti, fratesti, linguesta
-estr- (male) denoting chief, head of, (head)master, conductor, manager, (originating from the word "mestro"); and also in adjectival use,
e.g.: piedestra, terrestra, extraterrestra
-etr- denotes infliction, belabouring, marking with
-ett- a diminutive, little, slightly
{But stronger: -úlli-o as diminutive of nouns}
-etud- denotes strong steadiness, hardness and perseverance | holding out, ~hood [Lat.]
-eut-o [øt] (instead of: "-i-isto") specialist in a science or practise (ending with „-ía“ (f), or „-ío“ {Engl.-y}),
e.g.: therapío <.therapeutics.> -- therapeuto
farmacío <.pharmacy.> -- farmazzeuto
apología (f) <.apology.>
-ezz-a (f) [ts] denotes character, quality;
but see also: -itat-
-(í)fer- [do qviel: -ífera au -fera]
(a proparoxytone suffix) bearer, bearing, producing, having, containing, -ferous
-i- /-ae-[æ] vowel "i" or (of fem.) "ae" to be inserted between two roots when forming a compound word instead of genitive or else, in some suitable cases, to substitute the "-o" of the first part of the compound (where not meant as an object of the second part).
-'-i-o (a proparoxytone suffix)
one time act/deed, short state/act, impuls (contrary to repeated or continuous doing or state).
E.g.: martéllio =/= (unlike) martellado;
sónio =/= sonado;
fúmio =/= fumado;
plúvio =/= pluvado;
trumpétio =/= trumpetado;
agéntio =/= agentado
-'-i-a (f) a proparoxytone suffix, denoting State, nation, country, people.
E.g.: Británnia, Germánia, Nederlándia, Róssia
-ío denotes a phaenomen, special appearance, sollemn act, important deed
-ial- -ful, complete, comprising all, total
-ic- /-iq- [-k] marks some technics, engineering, also a technique (when accent falls on it).
{But: "technics" itself is feminine:
téchnica (f), the adjective of which is "technicala", or simply „techna“} [Hell.: hee téchnee = the art]
-'-ica (forming proparoxytone adjectives of above, instead of „-ico“ paroxytone, now „-'-ica“ proparoxytone, and of nouns in „-ia“, often also now -'-ica, expressing an adjective of a mere general speciality
E.g.: adjectives: (paidagóogica)/pagógica, propaedéutica, histórica, geográfica, ...
-icz- [it$] rare suffix distinctly denoting the male
-id- offspring, young, son, child
-idl- (iterative verbal notion, denoting frequency of occurrence of act or movement and process)
E.g.: nasidli (nasalize), [espritidli -»»] espridli (to quip wisecracks), maladidli (be sickly), áliturnidli/ drefidli (turn to and fro, or turn back and forth), repashidli (walk up'n'down/to and fro), basculidli (rock, wobble; waddle), colawonombridli (to count the cars passing by)
{But: radagyra instead of Old-Esperanto „idla",
and: please note: wheel = ruedo; but:
free/relieved/glad = rada
-ids- [idj-] getting intransitive, become, get, turn
-iell- something alike, somehow that kind
E.g.: tordiella, arbiell, rondiell
-ier- tree or shrub bearing fruit or berries
-if- make something (to be working
E.g.: mondifi (create a world of);
verifi (control the truth /efficiency of); specifa (specific);
terrorifi (change into a terror);
acidifi (build an acid)
-ig- makes transitive (where not yet).
Please note: under the passive voice or passively understood suffixes (as: -ill-, -end-, - ebl-, -ativ-, -ind- mostly) the suffix "-ig-" is pleonastic and therefore omitted.
Furthermore, with compound verbs, formed from adjective notions and a preposition (:ellargji), the suffix „-ig-“ is occasionally unnecessary when no misunderstanding would arise.
-ijjo / -ijja (m/f)
forming the respectful short name, or expressing the reverence toward somebody (he/she):
patrijjo (papa), Gandhijjo, etc.
-'-il-a a proparoxytone adjectival suffix of rare use
instead of "-a", "-est-a" indicating a
concern, some relation to
e.g. infántila, mercándila, mórbila
-íli-o (a two syllable proparoxytone suffix)
boat, vessel, ship:
papyrílio (papyrus boat), velílio (sailing-vessel, sailer)
-ill- indicating a (transitive) simple tool, sometimes also a remedy
{But note: "otul,-o" [pralex/primeval root] = tool}
-'-im-e indicating a (repeated) manner of doing something step by step or one by one or else one after the other:
e.g. stépime, detállime [(contrahite el detálli- + '-ime], tásqime, púnctime
-imajj- [i'maç-]
forms name or surname of animal by characteristic word root
E.g.: nocimajjo, flagellimajjo, utilimajjo, grimpimajjo
-ina (f) female being;
but look up the fundamental proper roots for many of the female persons:
"fémina, mejda, maica, crolén/crolena, achaita, dujta, pucell/-a, spus/a, qven/a, lel/a, bábushca, othin/a, cnegin/a, princess/a, hostess/a, putén/putena, pastorell/a, qyría, jería, imperess/a, donja, gailach/a, senorita, servitriss/a, circatrix/a, -eshl/a, -inx/a, snaca, ejca, nautiss/a, magata, therapna, sobrietta, grauss/a, gyrla, hospit/a, begam/a, nonca, theá, milca, amazón/amazona, cassandra, nutrish/a", etc. (See the file of FEMININE.tmd)
-ind- -worthy, deserving of, deserving to be ..-ed
-ing- holder (sheath, socket, stand) for one object only ,(usually at one end)
-ínia (f) (a proparoxitone suffix) denoting a mere geographical country or county name, independent from the eventual inhabitants there.
E.g.: Palaestínia {former region of the coastal Philist(ine)s}, Bosnínia, Patagonínia, Maqedonínia
-inta, -anta,
-onta, -unta participles of continuance, in active voice according to tenses
{But: -uva = participle of the complete perfect, active voice}
{And: -ura = participle of expected future, act. voice (inf.: -uri/-urejn)}
-ontejn/-untejn inf. of participles of continuance, active voice
{But: -uvi, (-uvejn) = inf. perf. act.)}
-inx,-inxa (f) female person (when derived from adjective): fortinx,-a = a strong female person
-ior- comparative degree, alternative of: "pli -"
-is- [iz] cover with; apply onto; provide with; play a musical instrument (But here see also:
-iscs- /-isc- [ists]
to come to be, grow (only of nouns); to experience sensation
e.g.: dajiscsas = it dawns;
luqidsas =it's getting light;
horrorisci = to shiver with horror
-ism- (religious) belief, doctrine, ideology, philosophical scheme
-íssim- (a proparoxytone suffix) superlative degree, alternative to: "plej ..." {extrem-rare useblas contrahite „-esm-“, exp. supresma}
-ist-o (male:) professional, specialist; adherent of a doctrine
{But for females see: „-ejca“}
-itat,-itato (same as "-ec-/-ezz-"), extraordinary quality, e.g.: intensivitat, feliczitat}
-ítim-a (irabla-vecturebla sur, tyga por): (a proparoxytone suffix) voyageable, maneuverable on, apt for
-ituri/-utir infinitives of the passive voice
-ítiss(-) (a proparoxytone suffix)
denoting inflammation, disease of
But in nominative use without ending "-o", then paroxytone): laryngítiss etc.
-iv- capable to do/react/be such
-izza (f) (= -itezza (f)) (completed quality in passive voice, denoting the state after the matter being accomplished.
-nelca / -nelqi (nieras la praefixon „sen-“ ,
sed „-nelc-“ / „-nelq-“ sempre sole suffixe appliqendas)
[Hung.: ... nélkül (= -telen/-tlan) por: <.sen.>]
suffix corresponding to the prefix „sen-“, for English „-less“, being/managing/acting without, (terribly) lacking
e.g.: maicanelca = motherless
gogonnelca = unsuspecting
-nja /-enja (f) forming short name of female
Sonja, Trenja, Vronja, Renja, Manja, Minja, Marenja, Rinja, Sinja, Florenja
(with long names the ending is „-enja" instead of „-inja", in order to avoid any confusing with names of geographical regions <.see: -ínia.>!)
-ó- suffix, forming words that shall express involvement, implication, entanglement, conveyance to, conducing, seducing, inviting
-od-a relative to, in relation to, concerning, referring to, being related/connected to, often used instead of 'por-', 'pro-', or ‘pri-' or else suffix ‘-est-'
[cp. ancient Greek "-oodees"]
-ofil- friend of special conduct or hobby, amicable, friendly toward
-ogen- technical/medical suffix meaning: generating, creating, causing. E.g. "cancerogena"
-oíd- [ò'id] denotes unprecise resemblance. E.g. ellipsoído, tabloído
-olog- scholar/scientist in ...
-ológi-a (f) science of
-oma because of a multitude of / by many/much ...
-on(al)-/ -on(ial)-
Insertion between two "i", and before „-al-“ and „-ell-“, especially with long words:
E.g. "racionaligi", "fraccionaligi", "autopsioni", edc. -
Preferable not with: "críi, apprécii, escíi, grácii, cámbii, copíi, conscíi, relíi, operíi, conveníi, sucíi (= maltranqvili pro), but this use cannot be excluded.
-ops- looking like
-or- (mostly a pseudosuffix)
person of duty or skill, or some sklillful device (in words mostly stemming from a protolanguage)
-óri-o (a proparoxytone suffix) collection of technical devices in one system, or of apparatusses/arrangements in one place
-os- [o:z] denotes rich contents of, abundance of
-(o)troop- . [
'-u-a (adjectivalo del participo perfectes, sen ties forma;
exp.: fixi -- fixita -- fíxua; morti -- mortuva -- mórtua)
-ur- (denotas minazzon nepre praedictendan, exspecteblan en futura próxima, generelle: futuran exspecteblan, vd. ancau -antura, -itura)
-pruf- . -proof: firm against, withstanding; resisting; not leaking
-'-u-(a) a proparoxytone suffix applied instead of "-ita" when stressing the state or adjectival character of a verb in the passive perfect participle form
e.g.: fíxua (fixita estanta, ne hálaca), fíxuastro (astro fixita);
mórtua, neqérua (mort
{Nota bene: This suffix "-u-" will by no means present the only explanation for some words in Linguna that already as Linguna r o o t s bear the ending "-ua", "-ui" etc., stemming from protolanguages.}
-uc- /-uq- [-k] suffix indicating castrated animal/person
-uj- denotes receptacle, container
{But: fruit tree is formed by: -ier-}
-uja (f) signs the name of a people's (ancient) land-settlement and a language speakers' territory (e.g. "Bavaruja")
{We see: All names of countries, states, territories, regions, provinces, beaches, woods, islands, moons, planets, plains, towns, and counties, - and the nouns of country, county, homeland, beach, banks, island, hilly country, mountainous country, countryside, moon, town, city, wood, duchy, native country, plateau, tableland, high mountain region, mead, grounds, fields, depression/hollow, valley, landscape, region, prairie, plain, territory, terrain, foreign country / ~ countries, etc. themselves as
nouns are regarded as feminine (except for the words planet, desert, continent, because of being too mighty)
and therefore follow the feminine declination
(a-,aes,-im,-an,-ae,-om, ho '-ao;
-ai,-ais,-ins,-ain,-'aie,-'aiom, ho '-aio)
like the females.
E.g.: bassuja, país,-a, terra, región,regiona, terraen,-a, provinz,-a, comituja, ducuja, regjuja, fadamba, respública, ...
-((But: regno, Estato, império, deserto, monto, continento, planedo, mondo, capitólio {all strong entities of administration, rule and power, or of summary, comprehension are masculine}))-,
subpaísa, pátria, haim,-a, terra forana, vallea, línia, terra incógnita, exarchuja, riva, plagja, borduja, pejsajja, grunduja, cauluja, terra virga, tábula, campuja, campaduja, vjéresha, Germanuja (comprising Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Alsátia as German-speaking regions, whereas „Germánia“ is Germany alone), nébula, Rhejnuja (as a country along a river) lun,-a, territória, wulda, selva, songjuja, Orientuja, Occidentuja, Suluja, suburba, Norduja, agraruja, altuja, montaruja, pucuja, wesda, íztoca, ínsul,-a, qejterra, paenínsula (apaenau-ínsula), urba, cíty,-a, herbuja, saala, praería, rura, cultivuja, planía, plattuja, sholuja, altoplanía, planía bassa, terra firma, wádia, edc.,
also those in figurative sense of extension and livelihood/liveliness: vita, ánima, esperanza, synfónia, psycha, Língua, idiom,-a, flor,-a, antha, rosa, natura, fauna, obra, matéria, extranuja, hora, nación, iscuela, cultura, stella, vista, família, ecclésia, academía, scola, fjal,-a, fantásia, futura, escienza, épocha, scala, pátria, culpa, utópia, spégula, ironía, galela, vallé,vallea, songjuja, riviera, ópera, causa, fortuna, prensa, gazetta, fabeluja, música, régula, diantha, heliantha,
anemona, leucanthetta, érica, azalé,azalea, dália, tulipa, ástera, temenujja, lília, fama, liga, colónia, szjela, oicumén,oicumena, zona,
stéppua, paluda, marcza, castelluja, bién,biena,
benca (=sandbank), érega, hammada, regserira, intrapaísa, djebela, megapolissa, fóresta, taun,-a, strata, autostrada, fábrica, cassa, allé,allea, prosa, praduja, parca, lejma, sloupa, aqva, fériai, vjétera, persón,persona, humanité,humanitea, sfaera, -ología, atmosfaera, jonosfaera, história, glória, guerra, czaussé, czaussea, fábula, fabela, saga, cala, unión, uniona, basílica, poesía, régula, litteratur,-a, musa, vista, cámpeng,-a, tepeca, maresh,-a, thora, pezca, varsha, poluja, vastuja, romanda, jura, reguja, clima, pashtuja, idemlingvuja, bandera, haessa, corona, máchina, -ografía, hazienda, caljaluja, jaguaruja, miséria,
misericórdia, lingvuja, Linguna, manseón, idiomuja, houmronduja, arrieruja, himaterra, inframonta, domaena, frontiera, envirón, extránia, episcopuja, nieterra, crosstabla, crossroccuja, externuja, arrierregión,
metropol,-a, etenduja, Islándia,
Nederlándia, Nova-Selándia, Greunlándia, Swíssia, Swédia, Rossesa, Germanesa, Italesa, Ásia, Atlantida, Europa, Antillidínia, América, Antárctica, Arctissa, Polynésia, Austrália, Vesperida; etc.
-uld- carying much or great, having done great/important; victorious, rich harvest of
-ul- person as derived from an adjective (mostly male)
-úlli-o (a proparoxytone suffix, always masculine) denoting a very little person or an extremely small matter, or a thoroughly tiny object respectively (almost a double diminutive)
E.g.: panercúllio
-um- suffix forming a related word idea, subject to definition and context
-und- stressing the origin, the coming from and provenance
e.g.: regjunda (= venanta/venuva del regjo),
Asiunda (= el devén Asiana)
-unt- (act.),
-ut- (pass.) unreal, only dreamt of participation\action or suffering respectively, this being a „revalis“ participle (-unta/-uta) or gerund (-unte/-ute)
-uos- points to a disease, sickness (because) of,
E.g.: "trombuoso"
-ur- suffix indicating a forthcoming development, an absolutely expectable menace in the (near) future, or else any other almost peremptory happening that will arrive soon. Also forming the expected future.
E.g.: rompur,-o; fendur,-o
-utabl- (from: -ut- + -abl-) denotes a forthcoming readiness that is (only) dreamt, unreal, or an ability under mere unreal conditions
-uv-a participle of the complete perfect, active voice
-uvym, -uvas,
-uvams,-uvaz forms of the complete perfect, active voice
-uvejn infinitive of the complete perfect, active voice
-y- [y] (vocal intertala cze lexofaciado, qvie ália intervocal ne tygas; estante cun ioma senso ablativa por la prima parto del lexo synmettita):
a vowel set in between two words that are combined,
where neither "-a-", "-o-", "-e-", "-i-", nor their omittence would do to present the real relation between the roots,
e.g.: mollyláxua, piedysoldato (infanteriano), vésperymangjo (dzen), dajymangjo (obedo), edc.
{But note: -'-yus, -'-yums, -'-yuz are the proparoxytone endings of the eventuality mood or better named the potential}
-yn- causative (with already transitive verbs), make someone do something. [Hell.]
E.g.: mortigyni, servyni, facyni;
laessigyni . (the latter meaning: venigi |commovi qve iu minorigas |laessigas = to make|to cause|to arrange for, to induce a person to diminish
{But: laessigi {igi laess da} = to diminish, to decrease, to lessen, in a transitive sense>}
-yr- (mangjagjo/ dzibo de/el ..., dzibo praeparita el expemple: bovyro, porqyro, cervyro, pezyro, pisnyro, fabyro, risyro, edc. [comparu prarádicon Indo-Europésean: szlyri- {devori}])
-'-yus, -'-yums,
-'-yuz proparoxytone endings of the eventuality mood or better named the potential (in German called: Konjunktiv, in Spanish: subjuntivo)
Furthermore, in Linguna, all prepositions as well as, in
special, the determinants (see there!) can be used to form compounds.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Short prepositions in use in Linguna are the following:
al, versau, epí, ysqe, de, ab, el, anau /ana-, catau /cata-, parau /para-, praeter, tra, via, intra, intro, extra/exter, extro, im, seqvum, per, meth, propter, pro, antí, prae, piera, post, crom, isclu, dysau, salvau, sen, dra, tras, malgrau,
cun /con-, hamá, congré, dal, po, garau, por, qvau, antílocau, amfi, syn, diá, dre, spreau /sprié-, ob, objase, piedau, arribau, ol, coram, qvasi;
en, sur, contrau /contra-, sub, arrier, antau /ante-, super, infra, trans, migau, apud, cze, cis, czircau, inter.
In detail:
al (= to, for)
versau (= towards, in direction to)
versus (= versus (in a process against)
epí (= in relation to, as regards, at, to)
ysqe (= up to, untill, till)
de (= from, of, <.passive.> by)
ab (= away from, off)
el ( = out of, from/of)
anau (= up, upwards) / ana-
catau (= down, downwards, to the buttom) / cata-
parau (= sidewards of, {passing} by, sideways, abeam, askance, askew, aside, far apart from) / para-
praeter (= passing by, beyond, alongside, on the other side of, past, by, up to and by)
tra (= through/thru, across)
via (= by way of, via)
intra (= in the interior, inside, indoors, within)
intro (= into, in-doors, inside, inwards)
extra, or: exter (= outside, out of, beside, outwards, beyond, more than) / extra-
extro (= [“elen“] in direction outward of, out of and away, from within right away outward)
im (= alongside with, in conformity with, compliantly to, conformably to, according to, in the degree of, as to, along)
seqvum (= according to)
per (= by, by means of)
meth = (of <.a material of.>, made of)
propter (= because of, on account of, for the sake of, by reason of, on behalf of, by reason of)
pro (= because of, out of, for, from, owing to, through <.stressing the motive/fear of, strong intention, etc..>)
antí (= contrary to, (resolutely) against, in contradiction to, versus)
antí de (= instead of)
prae (= before, prior to, ... ago)
piera (= made for, meant for)
post (= after <.in time.>, later than)
crom (= beside{s}, including, apart from, destinct from, independent of, in addition to, moreover, to boot)
isclu ['i:zklu:] except, but, not counting, save, excluding)
dysau (= in a distance of, standing away from, refraining from, desisting from, keeping one’s distance from, ‘to say nothing of’, ‘let alone’, (this) removing, detained from, taken away from, alienated from, enticed away from)
salvau (= save, except, irrespective of, without prejudice to, notwithstanding, with reservation as to, subjecto to)
sen (= without)
dra (= by <.as author.> )
tras (= aslant across, right across, crossing diagonally, athwart, trespassing athwart or slanting)
malgrau (= despite, in spite of, nevertheless)
cun (= with) / con-
hamá = (simultaneously with, at the same time as)
congré = (in conjunction with, in harmony with, aided by, in accordance with)
dal (= as to, at, from the viewpoint of, when dealing with, concerning)
po (= per, apiece, at the rate of, a number of ... at a time, at ... each)
garau (= almost, about, roughly, round about, around, approximately)
por (= for)
qvau (= in favour of, prefering)
antílocau (in place of, instead of, in default of)
amfi (= to/from both sides of, taking/taken from both sides of, gripping/seizing both sides of
syn (= together (with), all together along with, in concert, jointly, in company unitedly)
diá (= infolge von / owing to, in consequence of, as a result of)
dre (= sailing close-hauled; hard a-starboard; close to|by the wind, against the wind)
spreau (= in front of, in view of, frightened before, with fears against or in anguish before, before a person’s very eyes, worrying very much in the presence of, defending oneself . against| in view of, confronting;
warding off, parrying: in opposition, face to face with, being confronted with, vis-à-vis) / sprié-
ob/objase {+ dative} (= thanks to, owing to)
ob (= somehow opposite, encountering, towards, opposing, coming to meet, running to meet, meeting halfway, brought against, met on the way, lying opposite to)
piedau (= at the foot of {e.g. a mountain})
arribau (= farther above)
ol (= ‘than’ :after forming the comparative;
and: as ‘but’ in expressions like: not ... but (ne ... ol);
and: in conjuntions underlining a degree earlier, later etc. than, e.g.: prae ol = before ...; post ol = after ..., when ...)
coram (= facing, in sight of, publicly before, openly in front of, being personally present at)
qvasi (= as, as if, as though, like, as apparently)
en (= in, inside, within (with nominative); into (with accusative, unless „intro“ is applied)
contrau (= against, {in opposition} to.(position with nominative, and direction with accusative) / contra-
sur (= on, upon, touching, added to, covering (position with nominative, and direction with accusative))
sub (= under, underneath, beneath (touching or not), in the shape of. (position with nominative, and direction with accusative))
arrier (= behind, back, at the back, at the rear, abaft, aft, astern of. (position with nominative, and direction with accusative))
antau (= locally before, in front of, in priority to, in the presence/in fear of ..., (hiding) from. (position with nominative, and direction with accusative)) / ante-
super (= above, super-, over (without touching), beyond, more than. (position with nominative, and direction with accusative))
infra (= [‘malsuper’] underneath, without touching deep under, below; meanwhile. (position with nominative, and direction with accusative))
trans (= over/across, on(to) the other/farther side, beyond (position with nominative, and direction with accusative))
migau (= among(st), amid(st). (position with nominative, and direction with accusative))
apud (=at, at the side of, beside, by, close to, near (position with nominative, and direction with accusative))
cze (= at, with coincidence of, at|to a definite place or point, by, on, to, over, from, in, in the case of, with, -upon, -under. (position with nominative, and direction with accusative))
cis (= {“maltrans“} on this side of (opposite of ‘trans’); (position with nominative, and direction with accusative))
czircau (= around, round, surroundingly, (round) about. (position with nominative, and direction with accusative)) / circum-
inter (= between (position in place or time), betwixt (two), among, closely related to. (position with nominative, and direction with accusative))